Welcome To
The 75th Anniversary Flight Engineer Reunion
Trenton Ontario, 21-23 June 2019
Meet & Greet: 413 Wing AFAC 30 North Murray St Trenton, 21 June 2019, 1730 Hrs to 1200 Hrs
Dinner & Dance: Astra Lounge 8 Wing Trenton, 22 June 2019, 1730 Hrs
Departure Breakfast : Bakers Island Community Centre 8 Wing Trenton 23 June 2019, 0930 to 1100 Hrs
If you have any questions please contact us at FlightEng75@gmail.com
Please click on the links below for the information you require below.
REGISTRATION FORM FE 75th Email Version { this version can be filled out on line and emailed}
REGISTRATION FORM REUNION 2019 {this form can be downloaded to your computer to fill out and either mail or email it to us with your payment}
Schedule of Events Reunion 2019 Trenton
Accommodations 75th Anniversary Reunion
We look forward to having many of you visit us here in the Trenton area in June.