75th Anniversary

The Canadian Military Flight Engineers Association (CMFEA)

Welcome To
The 75th Anniversary Flight Engineer Reunion

  Trenton Ontario, 21-23 June 2019

Meet & Greet:  413 Wing AFAC   30 North Murray St  Trenton, 21 June 2019, 1730 Hrs to 1200 Hrs
Dinner & Dance:   Astra Lounge 8 Wing Trenton, 22 June 2019, 1730 Hrs
Departure Breakfast :  Bakers Island Community Centre  8 Wing Trenton 23 June 2019, 0930 to 1100 Hrs

If you have any questions please contact us at FlightEng75@gmail.com

Please click on the links below for the information you require below.


REGISTRATION FORM FE 75th Email Version { this version can be filled out on line and emailed}

REGISTRATION FORM REUNION 2019 {this form can be downloaded to your computer to fill out and either mail or email it to us with your payment}

Schedule of Events Reunion 2019 Trenton 

Menu Reunion 2019 Trenton

Accommodations 75th Anniversary Reunion

List of Attendees

75th Anniversary Reunion Golf


We look forward to having many of you visit us here in the Trenton area in June.