Welcome to the new look CMFEA web site. This is very much a work in progress so please  bare with us as we work through the issues and get used to this new site. If you are currently a paid member please contact Mac MacGregor via email to get access to the members only pages of the site.

The Canadian Military Flight Engineers Association (CMFEA) is an organization formed to promote the continuation of good fellowship and camaraderie that had developed while serving in the military, and to have a get together from time to time to renew old acquaintances, make new friends and in general ‘keep in touch’. To become a member you must have been trained as a flight engineer by the Canadian Military and pay a fee. To date we have on record, a list of over 1300 that qualify, some dating back as far as WWII. Associate members are also considered. These are “flight engineers of other Nations and non-military flight engineers who have flown with a Canadian Airline or Canada Ministry of Transportation”. Active members receive, a membership card, as well an interesting, up to date newsletter, called the Propwash, three times a year, April, August and December. They are also made aware of our web site, and encouraged to help keep it up to date by providing their current information, i.e. home address and email, if applicable, plus any other information that is appropriate. The Propwash, contains the latest Association information, including a “Fallen Eagle” list, plus articles of interest to FE’s. Your input is always welcomed in the form of articles submissions. They can be highlights of your experiences, or articles you feel appropriate, humorous or otherwise. Send submissions to the editor. There is a reunion every two years. These are at a different location each time and rotate between Comox, Edmonton, Trenton and Greenwood.